Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
2-23-25 Coexist
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
2-16-25 God's Judgements
Pastor Jerry Hobren resumes his teaching on the book of Revelation.
2-9-25 The Parable Of The Talents
Jerry Dendinger delivers a sermon on a parable from Matthew 25:14-30.
2-2-25 Persistent Prayer
Pastor Jerry Hobren discusses the importance of persistent prayer.
1-26-25 A Tale Of Two Hearts
Pastor Michael Sprague delivers a message about the condition of our hearts using Pharoah and Moses as examples from Exodus.
1-19-25 Dealing With Guilt
Pastor Jerry Hobren covers a sermon on II Corinthians 7:8-10 about dealing with guilt.
1-12-25 Evil Exists
Pastor Jerry Hobren delivers a message on the existence of evil from the book of Genesis.
1-5-25 Why Do You Serve The Lord?
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches on Luke 17:7-10 about why we serve the Lord.
12-29-24 Pursuing Righteousness
Pastor Von Vargo preaches on II Timothy 2:21-26.
12-22-24 What Happened At Christmas?
Pastor Jerry Hobren delivers his sermon on I Timothy 1:12-16.
12-15-24 God Has Spoken
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches on Psalms 19:7-14.
12-8-24 Speechless About That Which Has Been Spoken
Pastor Seth Stiles preaches on the Colossians 1:13-14.
12-1-24 Abandonment
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches a sermon on abandonment from II Timothy 4:9-18.
11-24-24 In Everything Give Thanks
Pastor Von Vargo shares a message on the importance of remaining thankful in all circumstances.
11-17-24 Coming Attractions, Part 2
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
11-10-24 Coming Attractions, Part 1
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
11-3-24 The Biggest Baddest Wolf
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
10-27-24 Can I Have Assurance Of My Salvation?
Pastor Jerry Hobren delivers a sermon from Revelation 13:8 on having assurance of salvation.
10-20-24 The Worship Of The Beast
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation
10-13-24 The Ultimate Villain
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
10-6-24 The Great War, Part 2
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation
9-29-24 The Most Serious Prayer Ever Said, Part 2
Pastor Seth Stiles preaches the second part of his sermon series on The Most Serious Prayer Ever Said.
9-22-24 The Great War, Part 1
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
9-15-24 Major Characters
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
9-8-24 Anticipation
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
9-1-24 God's Witnesses
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
8-25-24 The Most Serious Prayer Ever Said
Pastor Seth Stiles delivers the first part of a two part series on John 17.
8-18-24 God's Timetable
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
8-11-24 A Bittersweet Experience
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
8-4-24 You Must Be Born Again
Pastor Jerry Hobren delivers a sermon on John 3:1-8.
7-28-24 Unrepentant Idolatry
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
7-21-24 Unprecedented Spiritual Warfare
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
7-14-24 Precious Time
Pastor Von Vargo preaches on the topic of Precious Time raising children in the Word of God.
7-7-24 The Calm Before The Storm
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
6-30-24 Keeping An Eternal Perspective In This Temporary World
Pastor Seth Stiles preaches on keeping an eternal perspective in the temporary world that we live in.
6-23-24 When The Saints Go Marching In
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
6-16-24 An Interlude
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
6-9-24 How Long
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
6-2-24 The Four Horsemen | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
5-26-24 Who Is Worthy?
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his series on the book of Revelation.
5-19-24 The Heavenly Throne
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series on the book of Revelation.
5-12-24 A Heavenly Invitation
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series through Revelation.
5-5-24 Let There Be Light
Guest speaker, Shane O'Hara from Team 5:18 Ministries brings the Sunday message.
4-28-24 Strengthening Our Church: Gospel Virtues
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series about Strengthening our Church.
4-21-24 Gospel Participation
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through his sermon series titled, " Strengthening Our Church."
4-14-24 Gospel Generosity
Pastor Jerry Hobren begins his sermon series, "Strengthening Our Church."
4-7-24 Don't Be Self Satisfied
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon through Revelation.
3-31-24 The Pop In
Pastor Jerry Hobren delivers the Resurrection Sunday message.
3-24-24 King Who? | Pastor Seth Stiles
Pastor Seth brings the Sunday message.
3-17-24 Keep the Word
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through the Book of Revelation.
3-10-24 Wake Up!
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series through Revelation.
3-3-24 Hold Fast to What you Have
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through his sermon series in the book of Revelation.
2-25-24 Beware of Compromise
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series through Revelation.
2-18-24 A Whale of a Story about GRACE
Dr. Michael Sprague delivers the Sunday message from the Book of Jonah.
2-11-24 Do Not Fear but Stay Faithful
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues preaching through the Book of Revelation.
2-4-24 Remember Your First Love
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series through Revelation.
1-28-24 An Encounter with Jesus
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series through Revelation.
1-21-24 The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Pastor Jerry Hobren begins his sermon series from Revelation.
1-14-24 The Rest of the Story
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message.
1-7-24 Give Thanks to the Lord | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Psalm 138.
12-31-23 The Greatest Commandment
Youth Pastor Von Vargo brings the Sunday message.
12-24-23 How God Gave Christmas
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Christmas Eve Sunday message from multiple Scripture references.
12-17-23 Christmas in Genesis
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through his Biblical Foundations sermon series.
12-10-23 Where Are You?
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his series through Foundational Biblical Truths.
12-3-23 It All Comes Tumbling Down
Pastor Jerry Hobren addresses the ways that Satan attempts to destroy believers with Scriptural support from Genesis 3.
11-26-2023 A Thanksgiving that will last for Eternity
Pastor Seth Stiles preaches on a Thanksgiving that will last for Eternity.
11-19-23 The Lord God Provides a Helper
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores Genesis 2:18-25.
11-12-23 What is God's Final Plan for Israel?
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues exploring the Scriptures to find out what God has in store for Israel's finality.
11-5-23 But Now | Brian Heyl
Brian Heyl brings the Sunday message from Romans 6:22-23.
10-29-23 Why Has Israel Been Set Aside?
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series regarding Israel.
10-22-23 Has God Rejected Israel?
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores the Scriptures to see if today's current events in Israel are really God's rejection of Israel.
10-15-23 What is the Big Deal About Israel?
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores Genesis to see what sets the Israelites apart!
10-8-23 God Creates Mankind
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his series through Biblical Foundations.
10-1-2023 Foundations
Pastor Jerry Hobren begins a new series titled Biblical Foundations, and explores God as the Good Creator.
9-24-23 Scriptural Legacy | Pastor Jerry Hobren
The Bible tells us to teach our children Scripture-but why? Pastor Jerry Hobren unpacks 2 Timothy 3:13-17 to show us why.
9-17-23 Enduring Through Trials | Pastor Von Vargo
Pastor Von Vargo shares with us from James 1:1-4 on how we will all face trials and how God helps us through them.
9-10-23 The Sacred Obligation of a Pastor | Pastor Seth Stiles
Pastor Seth Stiles shares from 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy on the duties of a pastor and the church.
9-3-23 Remember the Lord's Patience | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry shares from 2 Peter 3:1-9 about the Lord's patience and the reason for it.
8-27-23 How to Win Friends and Influence Eternity | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry continues the series Jesus and Wealth with Jesus's words on being faithful with our wealth in Luke 16:1-13
8-20-23 Beware of Greed | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Continuing the series Jesus and Wealth, Pastor Jerry Hobren shares on the dangers of greed and focusing only on our Earthly existence.
8-13-23 Faithful Stewards | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Are you being a faithful steward? Pastor Jerry Hobren's sermon series Jesus and Wealth begins with Matthew 25:14-30 and the Parable of the Talents.
8-6-23 Run Your Race | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren shares how we all are running a race in life but as Christians we have a different prize we are after.
7-30-23 A Great Battle | Pastor Jerry Hobren
The lifelong process of conforming your life to Christ when there is so much outside and within working against this but we fight with help and hope.
7-23-23 What Does It Take? | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren shares from Philippians on the lifelong process of sanctification.
7-16-23 Union with Christ | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren shares from Romans 6 how we are united with Christ.
7-9-23 Jesus Weeping | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding the two times the Bible mentions Jesus weeping.
Joe Barnard: Learn How to Steward Your Attention 7-6-23
Join Joe Barnard in learning about stewarding your attention and awakening your affections for Christ.
7-2-23 The Unmatched Value of God's Word | Pastor Von Vargo
Pastor Von Vargo brings the Sunday message from Psalm 19.
6-25-23 The Believer's Fruitful Life | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through his sermon series titled, "The Words and Works of Jesus." Today we explore how Jesus is the Vine and we are His branches.
6-18-23 The Balanced Father | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Ephesians 6:1-4 regarding fatherhood.
6-11-23 Assuring Words for Troubled Hearts | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his series through the Words and Works of Jesus from the Gospel of John.
6-4-23 Death: The Last Enemy, Part 2 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from John 11 regarding death.
5-28-23 Eat Together. Love Together | Pastor Seth Stiles
Pastor Seth Stiles examines Christian Fellowship from Acts 2:42-46.
5-21-23 Death: The Last Enemy
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through his series titled The Words and Works of Jesus from John 11:21-27.
5-15-23 Hannah: A Godly Mother
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores 1 Samuel 1 regarding Samuel's mother, Hannah.
5-7-23 Make it to the Finish Line
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from the Gospel of John.
4-30-23 The Good Shepherd | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through the series, The Words and Works of Jesus, and discusses how Jesus is our Good Shepherd.
4-23-23 The Door to Life | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series through John and explores how Jesus is The Door.
4-16-23 Peter's Highest Priority | Shane O'Hara
Our guest speaker, Shane O'Hara, brings the Sunday message from 1 Peter 1:3-15 and explores Peter's Highest Priority.
4-9-23 Just the Facts | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Cointhians 15.
4-2-23 Restored | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from John 21:15-19.
3-26-23 Don't Believe Everything You Hear
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 John 4.
3-19-23 Reacting to the Light
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through the Gospel of John.
3-12-23 Light of the World | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through the Gospel of John.
3-5-23 The Bread of Life, Part 2
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores how Jesus is our Bread of Life.
2-26-23 The Bread of Life | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren examines how Jesus is our Bread of Life.
2-19-23 We Have It: Truth and Freedom Defined | Pastor Seth Stiles
Pastor Seth Stiles explores John 8 to see how Jesus defines Truth and Freedom.
2-12-23 Surprise!
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues his sermon series from John regarding the Works and Words of Jesus.
2-5-23 Bring it to Jesus!
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through John 6:1-15 exploring the Words and Works of Jesus.
1-29-23 Do You Wish to Be Made Well?
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from John 5:1-9.
1-22-23 Why Do You Seek Jesus?
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from John 4.
1-15-23 Jesus the Joy Giver
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores how Jesus is our source of joy.
1-8-23 Introducing Jesus
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores the Words and Works of Jesus in the Gospel of John.
1-1-23 God's Will For You in 2023
Pastor Jerry Hobren starts the New Year by exploring what God's Will is for our lives.
12-25-22 The Angels and Christmas
Pastor Jerry Hobren delivers the Christmas Suday message.
12-11-22 All Things are Lawful
Brian Heyl brings the Sunday message.
12-4-22 The Kindness of Christmas
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding the Kindness of Christmas.
11-27-22 Standing Firm in Hope | Pastor Jerry Hobren | 2 Corinthians
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 2 Corinthians.
11-20-22 Standing Firm For the Gospel
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Philippians on Standing Firm for the Gospel.
11-13-22 Let God Talk This Holiday Season
Pastor Seth Stiles explores Psalm 145 and how to apply it to your life this holiday season!
11-6-22 Standing Firm
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues through his series of learning how to stand firm in a shaky world.
10-30-22 Standing Firm in the Lord | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores why we can stand firm in the Lord from Isaiah 40.
10-23-22 Standing in Freedom | Pastor Jerry Hobren | John 8:31-36
Pastor Jerry Hobren explains how we can stand firm in our freedom granted by and through Christ even in a shaky world.
10-16-22 What is Jesus Doing Now | John 14:1-6 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message and examines what Jesus is doing now from John 14:1-6.
10-9-22 What is Jesus Doing Now? Part 2
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores what Jesus is doing now from 1 John 1:8-2:1.
10-2-22 What is Jesus doing now? | Pastor Jerry Hobren | Hebrews 7:20-25
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Hebrews 7:20-25.
9-25-22 True Blessings
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Psalm 128.
9-18-22 The Lord's Table
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Corinthians regarding The Lord's Table.
9-11-22 What Good Comes From Evil? | Pastor Seth Stiles
Do you ever wonder what good comes from evil? Pastor Seth Stiles brings the Sunday message and explores what good comes from evil.
9-4-22 The Death of Moses | Deuteronomy 34 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Deuteronomy 34.
8-28-22 The Frailty of God's People
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Numbers 20:6-12.
8-21-22 Jealousy Towards Moses
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Numbers.
8-14-22 Moses' Discouragement
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Numbers 11.
8-7-22 The Greatness of Moses
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Exodus regarding the greatness of Moses.
7-31-22 Why We Support Foreign Missions
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores John 3:16 and teaches why we should support foreign missions.
7-24-22 The Ten Commandments | Exodus 20 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Exodus 20.
7-17-22 Meeting with the Lord
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Exodus.
7-10-22 Dr. Michael Sprague
Dr. Michael Sprague brings the Sunday message from Philippians.
7-3-22 Responsibilities | Exodus 18 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Exodus 18.
6-26-22 Learning to Walk with the Lord | Exodus | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Exodus.
6-19-22 How Great is Our God | Exodus | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Exodus regarding the greatness of our God.
6-12-22 A Monumental Event
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Exodus 11 & 12.
6-5-22 A Hard Heart
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Exodus 7:1-10.
5-29-22 God's Servant Moses: An Unexpected Turn | Pastor Jerry Hobren | Exodus 6:1-8
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding God's Servant, Moses.
5-22-22 Mass Delusion | 2 Thessalonians 2:10-17 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 2 Thessalonians 2:10-17.
5-15-22 God's Work for Our Good and His Glory
Pastor Seth Stiles teaches us about God's Work for Our Good and His Glory from Isaiah 55:10-13.
5-8-22 Who Am I? 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding our identity in Christ from 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.
5-1-22 How Long Lord? | Psalm 13 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Psalm 13.
4-24-22 God's Hidden Care | 1 Samuel 25:30-34 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Samuel 25:30-34 regarding God's Hidden Care.
4-17-22 Jesus our Living Hope | Acts 2:22-32 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Easter Sunday message from Acts 2:22-32.
4-10-22 Threshing for Humility in a Field of Prideful Scorn | Paul Bright
Paul Bright brings the Sunday message from John 18:9-14.
3-27-22 God's Servant Moses: God's Will | Exodus 4:18-23 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding God's Will through the life of His servant, Moses.
3-20-22 God's Servant Moses: God's Will
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores God's will through the life of God's servant, Moses.
3-13-22 God's Servant Moses: God's Revelation
Pastor Jerry Hobren explores God's Revelation in the life of His servant, Moses.
3-6-22 God's Servant Moses: God's Training
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding God's Teaching in the life of His servant, Moses.
2-27-22 God's Servant Moses: God's Promise
Pastor Jerry Hobren starts a new sermon series exploring the life of God's Servant, Moses.
2-20-22 The Faithfulness of the Lord Your God
Brian Heyl brings the Sunday message regarding God's faithfulness.
2-13-22 Contentment Remix | Psalm 131
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Psalm 131.
2-6-22 Sexual Sanity
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.
1-30-22 Sexual Chaos | 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 regarding Sexual Chaos.
1-23-22 God's Design for Man & Woman
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Genesis 1-3 regarding God's Design for Man and Woman.
1-16-22 Romans 6:14 | Brian Heyl
Brian Heyl brings the Sunday message from Romans 6.
1-9-22 Practicing Hospitality | Romans 12:9-13 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
"We reflect the character of Jesus when we practice hospitality." Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding Biblical Hospitality.
1-2-22 Praise the Lord | Psalm 146 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren starts the new year in Psalm 146.
12-26-21 The Christ of Christmas Past, Present, and Future
Pastor Seth Stiles brings the Sunday message.
12-19-21 What Child Is This | Isaiah 9:4-7 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Isaiah 9:4-7.
12-12-21 Training Children | Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message.
12-5-21 Priorities | 1 Timothy 6:16-21 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Timothy 6:16-21.
11-28-21 Fight the Good Fight of Faith
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Timothy 6.
11-21-21 Contentment
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Timothy 6:6-10 regarding Contentment.
11-14-21 Taken Advantage Of | 1 Timothy 6:1-5 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Timothy 6:1-5.
11-07-2021 The Path To Influence | Dr. Michael Sprague
Dr. Michael Sprague brings the Sunday message from Daniel 6.
10-31-21 Reformation Day
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding Reformation Day.
10-24-21 Do Your Job | 1 Timothy 5:17-25
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Timothy 5:17-25.
10-10-21 The Lord Will Provide | Genesis 22:1-14 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Genesis 22:1-14.
10-3-21 Comfort in our Afflictions, Pt. 2 | 2 Corinthians 4:13-18 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 2 Corinthians 4:13-18.
9-26-21 Comfort In Our Afflictions
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 2 Corinthians 4:1-11.
9-19-21 What Do You Smell Like? | 2 Cor. 2:14-16 | Seth Stiles
Pastor Seth Stiles brings the Sunday message from 2 Corinthians 2:14-16.
9-12-21 Why Did This Calamity Happen?
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Luke 13:1-5 regarding calamity.
8-22-21 Community | Hebrew 10:23-25
Join us as Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday Word from Hebrews 10:23-25 regarding Christian Community.
8-15-21 Freedom | Galatians 5:1,13-15
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Galatians 5:1,13-15
8-8-21 Dealing with Fear | Psalm 27:1-14 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Psalm 27:1-14.
8-1-21 Who is God? | Exodus 33:18-23; 34:6-8
Join us as Pastor Jerry brings the Sunday message regarding who God is from Exodus 33:18-23 and 34:6-7.
7-25-21 What Prevents Me From Being Baptized? | Acts 8:25-40
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding Baptism from Acts 8:25-40
7-18-21 Worldview_Colossians2:6-10 | Pastor Jerry Hobren
Join us this week as Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from Colossians 2:6-10.
7-11-21 A Mind Set on Christ
Brian Heyl brings the Sunday message from Colossians 3:1-3.
7-4-21 A Good Servant of Christ Jesus, Part 2 / 1 Timothy 4:12-16
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Timothy 4:12-16.
6-27-21 A Good Servant of Christ Jesus / 1 Timothy 4:6-11
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message from 1 Timothy 4:6-11.
6-20-21 The Falling Away - 1 Timothy 4:1-5
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Word from 1 Timothy 4:1-5.
6-13-21 Dealing With Bad News - Psalm 37:1-11
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Psalm 37:1-11
5-30-21 The Greatness of Servanthood
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding The Greatness of Servanthood from 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
5-23-21 Leadership In The Church, Part 2
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Sunday message regarding Leadership in the Church from 1 Timothy 3:3-7.
5-16-21 Leadership in The Church, Part 1
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Word from 1 Timothy 3:1-2 regarding Leadership in the Church.
5-9-21 The Master's Warnings To His Servants On The Necessity To Forgive
Paul Bright brings the Sunday message from Luke 17:1-3 on the Master's Warnings to His Servants on the Necessity to Forgive.
5-2-21 TheNotSoDistantBibleTimes
Pastor Seth Stiles brings the Word from Acts 17:16-34
4-25-2021 The Transcendent Beauty of Women
Join us this week as Pastor Jerry preaches through 1 Timothy 2:9-15
4-18-21 A Call To Prayer
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the sermon from 1 Timothy 2:1-8.
4-11-21 What In The World Is Going On?
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Romans 1:18-32; Romans 12:2
4-4-21 A Life Changing Encounter
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the Easter 2021 message from John 20:19-31.
3-28-21 - Spiritual Warfare - 1 Timothy 1:18-20
In the series on First Timothy, Order in the House, Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from 1 Timothy 1:18-20.
3-21-21 A Personal Testimony 1 Timothy 1:12-17
In the series on 1 Timothy, Ordre in the House, Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from 1 Timothy 1:12-17.
3-14-21 Dealing With False Teachers - 1 Timothy 1:3-11
In the sermon series of 1 Timothy, Order in the House, Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from 1 Timothy 1:3-11
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Philippians 3
1-3-2021 The Value of Attention - Hebrews 2:1-4
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings a New Year's message from Hebrews 2:1-4
12-27-20 Seth Stiles - Don't Freak Out, Live It Out
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Hebrews 10:33-39; 1 Peter 4:2-19
12-20-20 A Christmas Model - Matthew 1:18-25
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 1:18-25
12-13-20 Walking By The Spirit - Galatians 5:16-26
Third in the series, The Inner Life, Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Galatians 5:16-26
12-6-20 In An Instant - Titus 3:5-7
Second in the series, The Inner Life, Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Titus 3:5-7.
11-29-20 Help Is Coming - John 14-16
Sermon Series: The Inner Life. Pastor Jerry Hobren the first sermon of the series from the Gospel of John chapters 14-16.
11-22-20 Intimidation - Nehemiah 6:1-16
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Nehemiah 6:1-16
11-15-20 Man Proposes God Disposes - 2 Sam 15-17; 1 Kings 11-12
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from 2 Samuel 15-17 and 1 Kings 11-12
11-8-20 The Ultimate Ruler - Psalm 2
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Psalm 2
11-1-20 Dr. Michael Sprague - John 21 - The God of the Second Chance
Guest Speaker, Dr. Michael Sprague, brings the message from John 21.
11-25-20 Uncertain Times - 1 Peter 1:13-16
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from 1 Peter 1:13-16
11-18-20 - Cancel Culture - John 9
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from the Gospel of John chapter 9.
10-11-20 Who Am I Lord - 1 Chronicles 17:1-17
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from 1 Chronicles 17:1-17
10-4-20 - Bless The Lord, O My Soul! - Psalm 103
Pastor Jerry Hobren bring the message from Psalm 103
9-27-20 Don't Play The Victim! Philippians 1:12-18
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Philippians 1:12-18
9-13-20 The Extraordinary Burial - Matthew 27:57-66
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 27:57-66
9-6-20 A Death Like No Other - Matthew 27:45-56
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 27:45-56
8-30-20 The Vicarious Sufferings of Jesus - Matthew 27:27-44
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 27:27-44
8-23-20 An Audience of One - Daniel 6:1-27
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message of Daniel 6:1-27
8-16-20 God is Able - Daniel 3:4-29
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Daniel 3:4-29.
8-9-20 God Is In Control - Daniel 1:1-21
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Daniel 1:1-21
8-2-20 The Erosion of God's Authority - 2 Timothy 3:13-17
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message of 2 Timothy 3:13-17
7-26-20 Surviving A Lockdown - Psalm 142
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Psalm 142.
7-19-20 Pursue Righteousness - Ephesians 4:17-24
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Ephesians 4:17-24
7-12-20 Real Changes Involves The Message Of Truth - Colossians 1:3-8
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Colossians 1:3-8
7-5-20 Seth Stiles - Selfies or Selfless - Mark 6:30-34
Pastor of Adult Ministries, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Mark 6:30-34
6-28-20 Paul Bright - Contending Upon the Faith - Jude 3-4
Guest Speaker, Paul Bright, bring the message from Jude 3-4.
6-21-20 Keep Running - Hebrews 12:1-4
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Hebrews 12:1-4
6-14-20 The Courage of Faith - Hebrews 11:29-40
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Hebrews 11:29-40.
5-31-20 Faith To See Beyond The Grave - Hebrews 11:20-22
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Hebrews 11:20-22
5-24-20 Abraham-The Father of the Faithful - Hebrews 11:8-19
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Hebrews 11:8-19
5-17-20 A Desire To See Your Face - 1 Thes. 2:17-20
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20
3-22-20 Do Not Worry - Matthew 6:25-34
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the sermon from Matthew 6:25-34.
3-15-20 Confidence of the Believer - Psalm 91
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Psalm 91
3-8-20 Choices - Matthew 27:1-26
The Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 27:1-26
3-1-20 A Painful Lesson - Matthew 26:57-75
The Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 26:57-75
2-23-20 Gethsemane - Matthew 26:36-56
The Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 26:36-56.
02-16-20 The Lord's Supper
The Gospel of Matthew Series. Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 26:17-35.
02-09-20 Moving Toward The Cross
The Gospel of Matthew series. Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 26:1-16.
2-2-20 King Jesus - Matthew 25:31-46
Gospel of Matthew Series. Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 25:31-46
1-26-20 - Dr. Michael Sprague - Spiritual Warfare: How to keep your head on straight in a world gone crazy - Ephesians 6:10-17
Dr. Michael Sprague brings the Sunday morning message, January 26, 2020, from Ephesians 6:10-17.
1-19-20 The Absent Lord - Matthew 24:25-30
The Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 24:25-30.
1-12-20 - Ready Or Not - Matthew 24:32-44
Series: Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 24:32-44
1-5-20 Success In 2020
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Joshua 1:1-9.
12-29-19 Watch Out For Drifting In 2020
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Hebrews 10:23-25, Watch Out For Drifting In 2020.
12-22-19 The Greatest Of All - Colossians 1:15-17
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings a Christmas message from Colossians 1:15-17.
12-15-19 The Return of Jesus Christ - Matthew 24:23-31
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues in The Gospel of Matthew, preaching from Matthew 24:23-31.
12-8-19 God Moves His People - Acts 13:1-4
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Acts 13:1-4 as Northshore Bible Church commissions the Andy Kirby family to full-time mission work in Togo, West Africa
12-1-19 The Horrible Thing - Matthew 24:15-22
The Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Matthew 24:15-22.
11-24-19 - How Jesus Sends Us - II Corinthians 5:17-19
Guest Speaker Shane O'Hara brings the message "How Jesus Sends Us" from 2 Corinthians 5:17-19
11-17-19 History Until Jesus Returns - Matthew 24:4-14
Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Matthew 24:4-14
11-10-19 Looking For Jesus - Matthew 24:1-3
Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Matthew 24:1-3
11-3-19 Who Are You Following? Matthew 23:34-39
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Matthew 23:34-19.
10-20-19 That You May Know, Brian Heyl
1John 5:9-13
10-13-19 False Shepherds
Gospel of Matthew series, Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Matthew 23:13-33.
10-6-19 Don't Be A Show Off
Gospel of Matthew series, Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Matthew 23:1-12
9-29-19 - Guard Your Heart - Judges 16
Last in the series, Samson, Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Judges chapter 16.
9-22-19 Fulfilling God's Purposes
Samson Series, Judges 14 & 15, pastor Jerry Hobren
9-15-19 Reckless Self Indulgence - Judges 14:1-4
2nd sermon in the series on Samson by Pastor Jerry Hobren. Judges 14:1-4
9-8-19 - A Puzzling Character - Judges 13:1-6
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches on Samson. Today's sermon is from Judges 13:1-6, 18-20, 24-25
9-1-19 - Theological Grammar - Colossians 3:1-9a
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Colossians 3:1-9a
8-25-19 Comfort In Trouble
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from Psalm 77
8-18-19 Enjoy Your Life
by Pastor Jerry Hobren
Ecclesiastes 12:9-14
8-11-19 Our Forgiving God - Psalm 130
Pastor Jerry Hobren gives the message from Psalm 130
8-4-19 A Pastor's Joy - 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Pastor Jerry Hobren brings the message from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
7-28-19. Seth Stiles - The Comfort Of The Gospel - 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
3rd of the series, The Things No One Likes To Talk About, Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, brings the message from 1 Corinthians 15:50-58.
7-21-19 God Is On The Move
Message by guest speaker Dr. Michael Sprague:
God Is On The Move
7-14-19 Now Is The Time To Awaken
Message by guest speaker Joe Barnard
Romans 13:11-14
7-7-19 Hell
Sermon Series by Seth Stiles: The Thing No One Likes To Talk About
Sermon Title: Part II - Hell - Luke 16:19-31
6-30-19 Jesus' Full Identity
Sermon Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 22:34-46
06-23-19 A Theological Riddle
Sermon Series: Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches on Matthew 22:23-33.
6-16-19 Political and Spiritual Responsibilities
The Gospel of Matthew sermon series by Pastor Jerry Hobren. Matthew 22:15-22.
6-9-19 How Are You Dressed
Gospel of Matthew Series by Pastor Jerry Hobren. Matthew 22:1-14
6-2-19 Seth Stiles Separation-Romans 5:12
Pastor of Adult Ministries, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Romans 5:12 on June 2, 2019.
5-26-19 Brian Heyl - Do You Believe the Prophets?
Guest Speaker of May 26, 2019, Brian Heyl, preaches from Acts 26:12-28.
5-19-19 Spiritual Responsibility
5-19-19. Pastor Jerry Hobren. The Gospel of Matthew - 21:33-46.
5-12-19 The Question of Authority
5-12-19 sermon by Pastor Jerry Hobren. The Gospel of Matthew series. Matthew 21:23-32
5-5-19 Why Are You Far Off Lord? Psalm 10
Psalm 10. Pastor Jerry Hobren's sermon of 5-5-2019.
4-28-19 Believing Prayer
Sermon Series: The Gospel of Matthew.
Matthew 21:18-22
4-21-19 The Incredible Hope
2019 Easter message by pastor Jerry Hobren. John 20:1-18.
4-14-19 A Unique Parade - Matthew 21:1-17
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues in the series, The Gospel of Matthew, Matthew 21:1-17.
4-7-2019 Say Yes To God
Joe Barnard brings the message about the prayer of Jehoshaphat found in 2 Chronicles 20.
3-31-19 True Greatness - Matthew 20:17-34
Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Matthew 20:17-34.
3-24-19 Our Generous God - Matthew 20:1-16
Pastor Jerry Hobren. The Gospel of Matthew.
3-17-19 Seth Stiles - An Old Foundation for a New World - Jude 3
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Jude 3.
3-10-19 To Drink or Not To Drink - Proverbs 23:29-35
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Proverbs 23:29-35
3-3-19 Is It Worth It To Follow Jesus? - Matthew 19:16-30
Pastor Jerry Hobren. The Gospel of Matthew sermon series. Matthew 19:16-30.
2-24-19. The Truth About Marriage - Matthew 19:1-15
Series: The Gospel of Marriage - Matthew 19:1-15 by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
2-17-19 The Fear Of God - Exodus 1:6-2:10
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches from Exodus 1:6-2:10
2-10-19 Seth Stiles - It's Good To See You! 2John 2:12
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, bring the message from 2 John 2:12
2-3-19 Forgiving Each Other - Matthew 18:21-35
The Gospel of Matthew series. Pastor Jerry Hobren. Matthew 18:21-35
1-27-19 Loving Confrontation - Matthew 18:15-20
Series: The Gospel of Matthew. Matthew 18:15-20. Pastor Jerry Hobren
1-20-19 Humility Is Essential - Matthew 18:1-14
Pastor Jerry Hobren continues in the sermon series, The Gospel of Matthew, teaching from Matthew 18:1-14.
Personal Testimony of Lori Corales
Lori Corales speaks of her personal experience with crisis pregnancy and abortion.
1-13-19 The Sanctity of Human Life
Pastor Jerry Hobren speaks about the sanctity of human life from Psalm 139:13-15 and Genesis 1:26-27.
1-6-19 Blessed in 2019 - Psalm 1
2019 New Year message from Psalm 1 by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
12-30-18 Brian Heyl - Prayer of the Year - Colossians 1:9-12
Guest speaker, Brian Heyl, brings the message from Colossians 1:9-12.
12-23-18 The Song of Simeon
Pastor Jerry Hobren. Luke 2:25-35
12-16-18 The Angels Song of Praise - Luke 2:8-20
Christmas 2018 sermons by Pastor Jerry Hobren on the songs of Scripture concerning the birth of Christ.
12-9-18 The Song of Zacharias
Luke 1:67-80. Christmas messages on the Songs of Scripture.
12-2-18. Mary's Song of Praise - Luke 1:46-55
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches on the songs of Scripture during the Christmas season of 2018.
11-25-18. Light to the Darkness
1st in Joy to the World! Christmas season messages by Pastor Jerry Hobren
11-18-18. Down In The Valley - Matthew 17:17-27
Matthew 17:17-27. Pastor Jerry Hobren
11-11-18. Is There Hope for America? Dr. Michael Sprague
Dr. Michael Sprague, Louisiana State Chaplain with the Capitol Commission and President of Grace Adventures, brings the message from Mark 5:1-20.
11-4-18. Confirmation of His Glory - Matthew 16:27-17:13
Matthew 16:27-17:13. Pastor Jerry Hobren
10-28-18. Following Jesus - Matthew 16:21-27
Pastor Jerry Hobren. Matthew 16:21-27
10-21-18 The Master's Plan For Building His Church - Ephesians 4:11-16
Pastor Jerry Hobren explains the Master's plan for building His church from Ephesians 4:11-16.
10-14-18 The Incredible Church - Matthew 16:13-20
Pastor Jerry Hobren. Matthew 16:13-20
10-7-18. Make No Provisions For The Flesh - Romans 13-11-14
Joe Barnard of Cross Training Ministries brings the morning message from Romans 8:6-13; 13:11-14
9-30-18. The Ultimate Question - Matthew 16:13-17
Pastor Jerry Hobren. Matthew 16:13-17
9-23-18 Symbols - 1 Corinthians 11:23-28
Pastor Jerry Hobren teaches about the Lord's Table.
I Can't Do It!
Pastor Jerry Hobren addresses the congregation upon his return from a mission trip to Ecuador
9-9-18. Discipleship: It's Worth It! Part 2
Seth Stiles. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
9-2-18 Misunderstanding Christ - Matthew 16:5-12
Matthew 16:5-12. Pastor Jerry Hobren
8-26-18. Need A Sign? Matthew 16:1-4
Verse by verse study of the Gospel of Matthew by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
8-19-2018. The Encouragement of Effort - Acts 11:20-26
#5 in the series, Encouragement, by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
8-15-18 The Encouragement in Giving - Acts 4:32-37
#4 in the series, Encouragement, by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
8-1-2018 Be An Encourager - II Corinthians 7:5-7
#3 in the series, Encouragement, by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
7-29-2018 The Great Encourager, Part 1-John 14:16-19
#2 of the series, Encouragement, by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
7-22-18 Children - Mark 10:13-16
Pastor Jerry Hobren preaches on Mark 10:13-16
7-15-18. Meeting Together - Hebrews 10:19-25
1st message in the sermon series, "Encouragement" by Pastor Jerry Hobren based on Hebrews 10:19-25.
7-8-2018. Discipleship-It's Worth It! by Seth Stiles
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, gives the message, "Discipleship: It's Worth It!," from Philippians 3:12-15 on July 8, 2018.
7-1-18 Preserved By God - 1 Peter 1:3-8
4th and final sermon is the series, "Our Great Salvation," by Pastor Jerry Hobren based on 1 Peter 1:3-8.
6-24-18. Salvation Unto Good Works - Who You Should Be - Ephesians 2:9-10
Third sermon in the series, "Our Great Salvation," by Pastor Jerry Hobren based on Ephesians 2:9-10.
6-17-18. Salvation to Life - Who You Are - Ephesians 2:4-9
Second sermon in the series, "Our Great Salvation," from Ephesians 2:4-9 by Pastor Jerry Hobren
6-10-2018. Salvation From Sin - Ephesians 2:1-3
1st message in the series, Our Great Salvation, by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
6-3-2018. Worship Together - Revelation 7:9-12
Pastor Jerry Hobren. Revelation 7:9-12
6-2-18 Closing Session - So Now What? - Seth Stiles
Adult Training Seminar, "Undercurrents: Understanding How Culture Affects Following Jesus Today," led by Joe Barnard of CrossTraining Ministries. Closing Session by Seth Stiles, Pastor of Adult Ministries.
6-2-18. Session Two - Overcoming The Times - Joe Barnard
Adult Training Seminar, "Undercurrents: Understanding How Culture Affects Following Jesus Today," led by Joe Barnard of CrossTraining Ministries.
6-2-18. Session One - Understanding The Times - Joe Barnard
Session one of the Adult Training Seminar, "Undercurrents: Understanding How Culture Affects Following Jesus Today," led by Joe Barnard of CrossTraining Ministries.
5.27.18. Joe Barnard - Contending with Horses - Jeremiah 12
Guest speaker, Joe Barnard, brings the message from Jeremiah 12, "Contending with Horses," on May 27, 2018.
5.20.18 Brian Heyl - But I (The LORD) Say - Galatians 5:16-6:9
Guest Speaker Brian Heyl brings the message from Galatians 5:16-6:9, "But I (The LORD) Say" on May 20, 2018.
5-13-18 Praising God - Habakkuk 3:1-19
Third sermon by Pastor Jerry in Habakkuk.
5-6-2018 Waiting On God-Habakkuk 2:1-20
Sermon of 5-6-2018. Second sermon in the series on Habakkuk by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
4.29.18. Questioning God - Habakkuk 1:1-2:1
1st sermon from the series on Habakkuk by Pastor Jerry Hobren
4-22-18. Real Change - Colossians 1:28-2:3
Pastor Jerry Hobren teaches on Colossians 1:28-2:3
4-15-18. Caleb-Finish Strong-Joshua 14:6-14
Message from Joshua 14:6-14 by Pastor Jerry Hobren
4-8-2018. Seth Stiles - Gospel Sponsorship: Support the Winning Team. 3 John 5-8
4-8-2018. Seth Stiles, Pastor of Adult Ministry, brings the message, Gospel Sponsorship: Support the Winning Team - 3 John 5-8.
4-1-2018. Happy Endings-Mark 15:42-16:8
Final sermon in the series, The Passion of Christ, by Pastor Jerry Hobren on Easter morning 2018.
3-25-2018 Darkness - Mark 15:21-41
3/25/2018. 3rd sermon in the series, The Passion of Christ, by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
Falsely Accused - Mark 14:53-15:20
3/18/2018. 2nd sermon of the 2018 Easter season series, "The Passion of Christ," by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
Loneliness-Mark 14:32-52
3-11-2018. 1st of the sermon series, "The Passion of Christ," by Pastor Jerry Hobren
Discipleship Is Influence - 2 Timothy 3:10-11
3-4-2018. 8th in the series, "Discipleship: A Journey of a Lifetime" by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
Discipleship Is Oriented Toward Others - Colossians 1:28-29
2-25-18. 7th sermon in the series, "Discipleship: A Journey of a Lifetime," by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
The Disciple's Profile - John 15:7-13
2/18/18. John 15:7-13. 6th sermon in the series, "Discipleship, a Journey of a Lifetime," by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
Discipleship Is Lifelong-Philippians 1:3-6
2/11/18 Philippians 1:3-6. 5th sermon in the series, Discipleship: A Journey of a Lifetime by Pastor Jerry Hobren
Orient Your Life Luke 9:18-24
2/4/2018 This is the 4th sermon in the sermon series, Discipleship: A Journey of a Lifetime by Pastor Jerry.
Discipleship: We Are A Team - 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
1/21/2018. Third in the sermon series, Discipleship: A Journey of a Lifetime by Pastor Jerry Hobren
Discipled On Sunday Morning - Hebrews 10:23-25
1/14/2018. Second in the series Discipleship: The Journey of a Lifetime by Pastor Jerry Hobren.
Discipled By The Word - Psalm 119:97-104
1/7/2018. First sermon in the series Discipleship: The Journey of a Lifetime by Pastor Jerry Hobren.