Sunday Worship Service 9AM & 10:30AM

Transforming Lives Through Christ

We believe that God has created every woman with unique gifts to accomplish His purpose on the earth. Our women’s ministry seeks to connect women with that purpose by cultivating healthy relationships. Through offering weekly bible studies, opportunities to serve, mentoring groups, social gatherings and activities designed for women, Northshore Bible Church is a place you can call home.

Meals Ministry

The meals ministry exists to offer meal support to families with a new baby, meals following a funeral or someone with a severe illness. Providing a meal can be in the form of something home cooked or store bought. With that in mind, we’re asking everyone for a minimum commitment of ONE MEAL PER YEAR. That’s it! If you can do more we encourage it, and we greatly appreciate everyone who supports this vital ministry. The ministry is open to other family members who might like to cook or provide a meal. Contact: Katie Stiles.


Tuesday Morning Fall Bible Study

 - 11:00am

Northshore Bible Church

This Tuesday morning Bible study will meet from 9am to 11am to walk through “Abide", by Jen Wilken, a study of 1, 2, & 3 John. The study will be led by Julie Loumiet. Childcare is available. Preorders for books are closed at this time, but can be ordered individually here:


Tuesday Evening Fall Bible Study

 - 08:30pm

Northshore Bible Church

The Tuesday evening Bible Study group will meet from 7pm-8:30pm. Led by Alina Alexander, Gail Soong, and Tamarah Myers, we will do a NavPress study on the Psalms. Childcare is not available for this study. Preorders for books are closed at this time, but can be ordered individually here:


Titus Ministry



Looking for an opportunity for fellowship and encouragement? NBC's Titus ministry will be kicking off again in September! Titus meetings are offered once a month in the home of a Titus "mom." Titus runs September through May.

Titus Ministry is based on Titus 2:3-5 with an emphasis on teaching younger women in the church. It is for women ages 18 and up. Titus is a ministry for fellowship, accountability, friendship, mentoring, and encouragement. There is opportunity for us as women to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ and be encouraged in our walk as godly wives, mothers, and women.

Please pick up an application from the Women's Ministry bulletin board. Applications can be returned to the allocated place on the Barnabas board or returned to our Titus coordinator Jess Kirby directly. Any questions, contact Jess Kirby @ 985-778-8920 or [email protected].


Let's Taco Bout It!


Northshore Bible Church

Let’s Taco Bout It!

Ladies Testimony Taco Night Fellowship and Potluck
Friday, September 27th @ 6:15pm

Testimonies to be shared by some of our own NBC ladies.

Sign up on the bulletin board to bring your favorite taco/taco salad fixings!

2024 Women's Spring Retreat

2023 Women's Ornament Exchange

2023 Women's Spring Fellowship: The Amazing Race

The winning team's computations for how many fish and crackers in the jar

​NBC Women's Ministry Team: Gail, Jan, Katy, Margarita, and Alina

The winning team: Bonnie, Jill, Reese, & Chantel

Pastor Appreciation Lunch