4-8-2018. Seth Stiles - Gospel Sponsorship: Support the Winning Team. 3 John 5-8
4-8-2018. Seth Stiles, Pastor of Adult Ministry, brings the message, Gospel Sponsorship: Support the Winning Team - 3 John 5-8.
5.20.18 Brian Heyl - But I (The LORD) Say - Galatians 5:16-6:9
Guest Speaker Brian Heyl brings the message from Galatians 5:16-6:9, "But I (The LORD) Say" on May 20, 2018.
5.27.18. Joe Barnard - Contending with Horses - Jeremiah 12
Guest speaker, Joe Barnard, brings the message from Jeremiah 12, "Contending with Horses," on May 27, 2018.
7-8-2018. Discipleship-It's Worth It! by Seth Stiles
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, gives the message, "Discipleship: It's Worth It!," from Philippians 3:12-15 on July 8, 2018.
9-9-18. Discipleship: It's Worth It! Part 2
Seth Stiles. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
10-7-18. Make No Provisions For The Flesh - Romans 13-11-14
Joe Barnard of Cross Training Ministries brings the morning message from Romans 8:6-13; 13:11-14
11-11-18. Is There Hope for America? Dr. Michael Sprague
Dr. Michael Sprague, Louisiana State Chaplain with the Capitol Commission and President of Grace Adventures, brings the message from Mark 5:1-20.
12-30-18 Brian Heyl - Prayer of the Year - Colossians 1:9-12
Guest speaker, Brian Heyl, brings the message from Colossians 1:9-12.
2-10-19 Seth Stiles - It's Good To See You! 2John 2:12
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, bring the message from 2 John 2:12
3-17-19 Seth Stiles - An Old Foundation for a New World - Jude 3
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Jude 3.
4-7-2019 Say Yes To God
Joe Barnard brings the message about the prayer of Jehoshaphat found in 2 Chronicles 20.
5-26-19 Brian Heyl - Do You Believe the Prophets?
Guest Speaker of May 26, 2019, Brian Heyl, preaches from Acts 26:12-28.
6-2-19 Seth Stiles Separation-Romans 5:12
Pastor of Adult Ministries, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Romans 5:12 on June 2, 2019.
7-7-19 Hell
Sermon Series by Seth Stiles: The Thing No One Likes To Talk About
Sermon Title: Part II - Hell - Luke 16:19-31
7-14-19 Now Is The Time To Awaken
Message by guest speaker Joe Barnard
Romans 13:11-14
7-21-19 God Is On The Move
Message by guest speaker Dr. Michael Sprague:
God Is On The Move
7-28-19. Seth Stiles - The Comfort Of The Gospel - 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
3rd of the series, The Things No One Likes To Talk About, Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, brings the message from 1 Corinthians 15:50-58.
10-20-19 That You May Know, Brian Heyl
1John 5:9-13
11-24-19 - How Jesus Sends Us - II Corinthians 5:17-19
Guest Speaker Shane O'Hara brings the message "How Jesus Sends Us" from 2 Corinthians 5:17-19
12-29-19 Watch Out For Drifting In 2020
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Hebrews 10:23-25, Watch Out For Drifting In 2020.
1-26-20 - Dr. Michael Sprague - Spiritual Warfare: How to keep your head on straight in a world gone crazy - Ephesians 6:10-17
Dr. Michael Sprague brings the Sunday morning message, January 26, 2020, from Ephesians 6:10-17.
6-28-20 Paul Bright - Contending Upon the Faith - Jude 3-4
Guest Speaker, Paul Bright, bring the message from Jude 3-4.
7-5-20 Seth Stiles - Selfies or Selfless - Mark 6:30-34
Pastor of Adult Ministries, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Mark 6:30-34
11-1-20 Dr. Michael Sprague - John 21 - The God of the Second Chance
Guest Speaker, Dr. Michael Sprague, brings the message from John 21.
1-17-20 - Seth Stiles - Stay Vigilant - Philippians 3
Pastor of Adult Ministry, Seth Stiles, brings the message from Philippians 3
2-14-21 - Joe Barnard - The War Against Sin - Romans 6
Guest speaker, Joe Barnard, brings the message from Romans 6.
11-07-2021 The Path To Influence | Dr. Michael Sprague
Dr. Michael Sprague brings the Sunday message from Daniel 6.
9-11-22 What Good Comes From Evil? | Pastor Seth Stiles
Do you ever wonder what good comes from evil? Pastor Seth Stiles brings the Sunday message and explores what good comes from evil.
12-11-22 All Things are Lawful
Brian Heyl brings the Sunday message.
4-16-23 Peter's Highest Priority | Shane O'Hara
Our guest speaker, Shane O'Hara, brings the Sunday message from 1 Peter 1:3-15 and explores Peter's Highest Priority.
5-28-23 Eat Together. Love Together | Pastor Seth Stiles
Pastor Seth Stiles examines Christian Fellowship from Acts 2:42-46.
11-5-23 But Now | Brian Heyl
Brian Heyl brings the Sunday message from Romans 6:22-23.
11-26-2023 A Thanksgiving that will last for Eternity
Pastor Seth Stiles preaches on a Thanksgiving that will last for Eternity.
12-31-23 The Greatest Commandment
Youth Pastor Von Vargo brings the Sunday message.
2-18-24 A Whale of a Story about GRACE
Dr. Michael Sprague delivers the Sunday message from the Book of Jonah.
3-24-24 King Who? | Pastor Seth Stiles
Pastor Seth brings the Sunday message.
5-5-24 Let There Be Light
Guest speaker, Shane O'Hara from Team 5:18 Ministries brings the Sunday message.
1-26-25 A Tale Of Two Hearts
Pastor Michael Sprague delivers a message about the condition of our hearts using Pharoah and Moses as examples from Exodus.
2-9-25 The Parable Of The Talents
Jerry Dendinger delivers a sermon on a parable from Matthew 25:14-30.