Sunday Worship Service 9AM & 10:30AM

Transforming Lives Through Christ

Because children are important to God, Northshore Bible Church views our Children’s Ministry as a top priority. It is our goal to assist you in training your children and nurturing them spiritually according to God’s Word, in a safe and secure environment. NBC Kids has options on Sunday mornings for newborns through 6th graders. Be a part of the mid-week Awana ministry and other seasonal celebrations to experience the full blessing of NBC Kids.

NBC Kids offers classes for all age groups up to 6th grade on Sunday mornings. After being checked-in, children can be dropped off at their classrooms, or feel free to worship the Lord together as a family (there is an opportunity to be dismissed to class after worship as well). A Children’s Ministry representative will be available at the check-in booth in the foyer to answer any questions for you may have. The classes we offer are:

9AM Service:
Toddler Nursery, 4 year olds-6th grade Sunday School

10:30AM Service:
Infant Nursery, Toddler Nursery, PreK (3-4 year olds), Kindergarten - 2nd graders*, and 3rd - 6th graders*

* These classes begin in Kids Worship and are then dismissed to their classrooms.

Awana Clubs International provides Bible-based evangelism and discipleship resources for children and teens ages 2–18. The name Awana is an acronym for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed,” which comes from Awana’s key verse: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

The age-based Awana curriculum aims to reach kids and families with the gospel. Awana pairs a small group discipleship handbook with large group teaching. Children and teens learn how to memorize God’s Word, study the Bible, and apply it to their lives. They also learn about worldwide missions and the need to help others. As children complete various stages in the Awana program, they earn awards. In addition to studying God’s Word, children participate in a weekly game time session where they learn to work together as a team and honor God in the process.
For more information about Awana, please go to

2024-2025 AWANA Calendar

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